Aqua Clara International Kenya has been quite busy this past year. In February of 2015, ACI Kenya signed an MOU with Fintea Sacco, a tea farmers cooperative in the Rift Valley town of Kericho. The agreement was to enable Aqua Clara Kenya to distribute the household hollow fiber filters to tea farmers in Kericho who would have access to low interest loans from Fintea Sacco. Right away ACI Kenya conducted a training of 13 Community Development Entrepreneurs (CDEs) who would sell the filters to Fintea Sacco Members. Aqua Clara Kenya hired a full-time Regional Coordinator, Emma Chepkoech, to help coordinate the sales efforts within Fintea Sacco. This has made a huge impact and has increased sales more than five times. In the whole of 2015, only 120 filters were sold through Fintea before Emma came on board in September of 2015. This year alone, the number has been exceeded with 200 filters having been sold since January. They have helped the tea farmers prevent water born diseases. This ultimately cuts cost on healthcare and lets the farmers work adequate amounts in the field with good health.
Along with helping tea farmers in Kenya, ACI Kenya continues to construct bio-sand filters (BSFs). The latest filter-build was held this November by ACI Kenyan staff Benson and Jeremiah. They visited the Ngorongoro region of Tanzania and installed over 70 filters, while providing safe water storage containers. Along with this, they offered training to the communities Endulen and Nainokanoka of the Ngorongoro region on safe drinking water handling practices.
With these filter-builds, ACI Kenya continues to be part of WASH (Water, Sanitation and Hygiene) workshops. The latest workshops were held with CAWST in both Nairobi and Kisumu, Kenya. The first partnered workshop was held in Kisumu on October 10-14, 2016. Along with ACI and CAWST, the Zambian WET was part of leading the workshop. Twenty representatives of organizations and government were in attendance from Kenya and Uganda. The second workshop done with CAWST was held in Nairobi, Kenya on November 7-11, 2016. It drew participants from Kenya, Uganda, Sudan, and Somalia.