Aqua Clara International, a Michigan-based 501(c) 3 non-profit corporation, does not seek out business but rather responds to requests and invitations for assistance. People are at the core of the ACI mission in all respects so we work with organizations that have established trusting, sustained relationships throughout their home communities.

ACI staff and volunteers travel regularly to support ACI and partner programs, while program launch and management may take place through existing external linkages e.g. via a church, nonprofit or business, that is prepared by ACI in the US or in other countries to transfer ACI technologies.

In its early years Aqua Clara established offices and programs in Kenya and Nicaragua; these programs continue to grow, develop, and function as leaders in their geographic regions. Because they are quite different they provide ACI with two sets of environments to field test new technologies as well as myriad opportunities to help many people.

Aqua Clara also has an MOU with the Universidad de Queretaro in Queretaro, Mexico, to establish a clean water technology center at the university. This is a substantial technology transfer program that enables the university to implement a clean water program in the state’s rural municipalities using technologies, materials, and trainings designed by ACI.A similar MOU has been identified with the UPI in Tegucigalpa, Honduras.