Click here to view Aqua Clara Kenya’s website. View here to see an impact report of their technologies in Kenya.
Aqua Clara Kenya (AC-K) began as a project in 2009 established by Bob McDonald, ACI founder, to serve as an initial international site for disseminating ACI technologies. It had a very small staff overseen by US ACI managers. Over time AC-K has developed into a social enterprise organization staffed and operated entirely by Kenyans. It is recognized as a B Corp and now functions as a partner to ACI.
AC-K’s network of Community Health Promoters (CHPs) oversee the work of the CDEs and visit households and schools checking on the products and giving additional training on good Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) practice. This program is becoming an exemplar for clean water initiatives. ACI’s continued growth in Kenya has in part been due to the growing recognition of its unique method that generates local economic activity, leaves a strong local knowledge base and a creates a permanent program driven by local motivation in the areas in which we work.
Our main office complex in Kisii, Kenya houses ACI materials and supplies and serves as the principal training site for most programs. It is also recognized in the broader community as the source of demonstration projects showing new developments in a variety of areas, from clean water technologies to rain water harvesting to improved farming methods. Having an ACI facility clean water system here serves the dual purpose of providing ACI staff and guests with clean water and at the same time demonstrates the efficacy of such systems.
Click here to view a brief video about ACK.
Click here to view our partnership with Climate Impact Partners