Aqua Clara was invited by John Fer, Cultural Attache of the US Embassy in Nicaragua and Lizzet Gonzalez, the Embassy’s Public Affairs officer, to serve as the partner scientific organization in the Embassy’s second invitational science program for Nicaraguan students. The Embassy was interested in helping students understand both the scientific principles underlying clean water issues as well as the technologies available to use local materials to provide for clean water. Embassy officials had been aware of Aqua Clara’s work in the country and thought we would be a logical partner for this program.
As a result of the application process, a total of 54 students from all parts of the country participated in the week-long program held in early December, 2013 at the near by school and the Religious Conference Center of Tepeyac, Granada. They learned about clean water issues and how a biosand filter works. They also learned how to construct a biosand filter from locally available materials, following the Aqua Clara process, and subsequently installed five filters that week, three at the conference center and its clinic and two at the neighboring Collegio Loyola school.